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【学术讲座】Fiber-Optic Sensors for Physical Parameters

发布时间:2017-06-09    来源:南宫体育    点击量:

Ming Han (海天学者)





This talk discusses our recent research progresses at University of Nebraska-Lincoln on the development of fiber-optic sensors for detection and measurement of various physical parameters. Topics include surface-mounted acoustic emission sensors based on specialty fiber-Bragg-gratings for structural health monitoring, silicon-based fiber-tip temperature/flow/pressure sensors for turbulence characterization and for sensing under harsh environment, and fiber-optic bolometers for plasma diagnosis in thermal-fusion reactors.


Dr. Ming Han received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2006 and his MS and BS degrees in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2000 and 1998, respectively. After working as a research associate at Virginia Tech for two years, he joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) as an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2008, and then was promoted to associate professor in 2014. He is the Associate Chair of the department since 2015, and was selected as a William E. Brooks Engineering Leadership Fellow in 2014. Dr. Han is a senior member of SPIE, a member of OSA, IEEE, and ISA, and serves as an associate editor for “Optical Engineering”. He has received several awards including the Alan Berman Research Publication Award from NRL in 2015, the Edgerton Innovation Award and the Faculty Research & Creative Activity Award from UNL College of Engineering, both in 2014, and the Chief of Naval Research (CNR) Challenge Award from ONR in 2011. His current research mainly focuses on fiber-optic sensors and sensor instrumentation for structural health monitoring and sensing in extreme environment.


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